Happy Galentine’s Day!

So everyone knows that today is Valentine’s Day — a day of red roses, heart-shaped chocolates, and scorn for all singletons.

However, a select group of people — those in the know — also celebrate the day before Valentine’s Day, a day for lasting friendships, accomplished ladies, and crispy, golden waffles (order isn’t important).


College Magazine Via NBC

One of TV’s most earnest and kind-hearted characters, Leslie Knope (played by the amazing gift to earth that is Amy Poehler) created the holiday “Galentine’s Day” on the NBC series Parks and Recreation, which is currently (sadly) airing its final season.

Among all of the wonderful and joyful things that Parks and Recreation has given us — the character Ron Swanson, Treat Yo Self, Li’l Sebastian — one of my favorites has to be Galentine’s Day.

sarcastic gif

Beautiful tropical fish Ann, however, was single. Via NBC

It’s not a day to hate on V-Day, or dwell on not having a significant other — Leslie and April were happily married — but just a holiday to celebrate one of the most important and stable relationships we have: our best girlfriends!

As explained by Leslie, Galentine’s Day is: “the best day of the year. Every February 13th my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home, and we just kick it, breakfast-style. Ladies celebrating ladies. It’s like Lilith Fair, minus the angst. Plus frittatas.”


Another great part of Galentine’s Day is the nature of the gift-giving. Leslie, being the crafty lady that she is, hand makes gifts for each of her friends, personalized to their specific tastes and preferences.IMG_6677

So, on Galentine’s Day, my friends and I follow suit, which of course, I love. This year, since one of my friends loves Monsters Inc. I decided to attempt crocheting her a stuffed Mike Wazowski doll.

I might be finding bright green yarn scraps in my bed for a while, but I mostly pulled it off, just in time to join my friend at Home restaurant in Los Feliz — which is adorable! — to finally enjoy those long-awaited waffles and some Galentine’s girl talk.

After ordering waffles, a side of bacon, and a gorgeous blood orange mimosa, we exchanged presents, with my talented friend harnessing the spirit of the event with a gift that will imminently be framed and hung upon my wall.


She had used Perler beads to make a cross stitch-inspired print of Leslie’s quote: “Uteruses Before Duderuses,” and I don’t think we could have been happier with our respective gifts.


Following our glorious meal of breakfast food for dinner (“Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?”) we headed back out into a city which was no doubt ramping up for a busy Saturday night touched by one infamous armed angel.

Until next year,


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